Many people suffer from hyper-tonic pelvic floor muscles.
A hyper-tonic pelvic floor is having a tight muscle tone and reduced mobility.
A hyper-tonic pelvic floor comes with pain and a list of other symptoms.
Usually it also comes with a reduced range of motion.
The symptoms associated with a hyper-tonic pelvic floor muscles are:
Incomplete Emptying Of The Bowels
Straining When Emptying The Bowels
Pelvic Pain
Hip Pain
Pain in the tailbone
Low Back Pain
Painful Sex
Urinary Incontinence
Incomplete Emptying Of The Bladder
Slow Flow Of Urine
Hesitancy Or Delayed Start Of Urine Stream
Urinary Urgency
Frequent urination
Painful Urination
The symptoms associated with hyper-tonic pelvic floor muscles can be aggravated by exercise, a sedentary job or lifestyle and stress.
Manual Osteopath Treatment is effective in relaxing the pelvic floor muscles and reducing the symptoms.